God's Work In Progress- PARTNER WITH US!

Hello friends,

God's Work in Progress is an outreach of the Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work. It's radio program, also called God's Work in Progress is the voice of the Work-Faith movement. Our vision is to transform the marketplace. We want to be a force for excellent work to Business, Government and Education and excellence in faith for all Christians working within it. By increasing positive influence on these three societal components, we make this fallen world system more effective and more Just. Our premise is this: Saving the world, begins with credibility. Credibility as a Christian is doing a GREAT job, and having a CLEAR demonstrated faith. These are the two outcomes we seek to create in people and organizations, we call it EXCELLENCE- in faith and work.

God's Work in Progress- Maestro!

On last week's program I talked about a worker survey that has been conducted for the last 20 years by the "Conference Board"  For over 90 years, The Conference Board has created and disseminated knowledge about management and the marketplace to help businesses strengthen their performance and better serve society.  Here is what the survey said:

Only 45% of American are satisfied with their work, the lowest level ever recorded in 22 years of surveys, the Associated Press reports.
The figure is down from 49% in 2008, says the Conference Board research group, which conducts the survey. 4 % points is a highly significant number.
Workers under 25 expressed the most dissatisfaction -- about 64% of them saying they are unhappy in their jobs.
The Conference Board research group says in  a report issued today that the harsh recession is partly to blame, but notes that worker dissatisfaction has been on the rise for more than two decades.
"It says something troubling about work in America. It is not about the business cycle or one grumpy generation," says Linda Barrington, managing director of human capital at the Conference Board, who helped write the report.
The survey also examined workers' attitude toward their work environment and found:
  • 56% say they like their co-workers, slightly less than the 57% who said so last year but down from 68% in 1987.
  • 56% say they are satisfied with their commute to work even as commute times have grown longer over the years. That compares with 54% in 2008 and 63% in 1987.
  • 51% say their are satisfied with their boss. That's down from 55% in 2008 and around 60% two decades ago.

Our guest this week is Doug Spada and his organization: WorkLife, is addressing quality of work-life and personal effectiveness for Christians at work.  

Listen at Noon Pacific, or 3:00 pm Eastern time-  God's Work in Progress

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