God's Work In Progress- PARTNER WITH US!

Hello friends,

God's Work in Progress is an outreach of the Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work. It's radio program, also called God's Work in Progress is the voice of the Work-Faith movement. Our vision is to transform the marketplace. We want to be a force for excellent work to Business, Government and Education and excellence in faith for all Christians working within it. By increasing positive influence on these three societal components, we make this fallen world system more effective and more Just. Our premise is this: Saving the world, begins with credibility. Credibility as a Christian is doing a GREAT job, and having a CLEAR demonstrated faith. These are the two outcomes we seek to create in people and organizations, we call it EXCELLENCE- in faith and work.

God's Work in Progress- Are You Created for a Core Purpose?

What I have been referring to as your Core Purpose, is  also your Life's Work.  We are each created to work, as we learn in Genesis 2.  But we  learn further  in Ephesian Chapter 2 that 10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Now here is the distinction. Every person has the same eternal purpose: which is  To know, love and serve God.  Never doubt that. The question is What are we here FOR?  How does our life add value, and how does it advance the Kingdom?  What is the basis for God's plan (Jer 29:11) for our lives? These plans that God has for us,  to proper us and give us a future and a hope, these plans are the “paths of righteousness that God leads us down” (Ps 23:3).  And our obligation in this work he is given us to do is to "do it with all of our might".  (Ecc9:10).  This means to bring our whole selves to the work, mind, body, soul.

The existence of a  Core Purpose in you is found through the four pillars of understanding, I use and was taught-  The Bible, Tradition, Experience  and Reason.   These four are explained simply and are a mechanism that is very useful in understanding and finding truth:  The Bible is the scripture which I use extensively to make the case for Core Purpose. God has a purpose to SAVE us, and give a rich and full life. And we look at history and we see God working  in the lives of others and we see the patterns of their work and success.   But we also experience life in ways that are meaningful and we can compare what others have done with God, and how God has used us.  And as we examine the Bible verses, compare what they say to our observations with what God did with Paul or Peter or Billy Graham and others in their lives, and think about how He has inserted Himself into our lives....we see that there really is this distinction we each have that makes our life unique which God prepares for us to do and which when we do it, God is glorified and we are effective. So what are these works comprised of?  Are these works based on anything that makes any sense?  (Reason).   Would God give a tone deaf person “singing” as a work to do with all their might? Do the works that God has for us to do have any continuity at all, or are they just random tasks? 
Think for a moment of something you do.  Where what you is done very well and you feel effortless in doing. There is something that is true for you in this way. And think also of a situation in your life that resonated in your heart, where what you experienced was warm and affirming, when what was going on seemed “right”.

Two Components:

Core Competence- that natural innate ability you have that is always being applied. It is your default life skill that you apply in all situations. It’s so automatic, you can't NOT do it.  Mine is "understanding" as it relates to individuals and groups.  In any situation, my default is to ask, what is really going in this person or group? What is the core motivation, or concern?  Where is this person headed in this situation or their life? Is this group functioning well? Is it productive?  This person seems "frozen" why?  Your Spiritual Gifts also align perfectly with this Core Competence. Wisdom and Discernment are two of mine. Make sense?  Here is a question that applies reason:  Why would

God prepare works for you to do that don't also fit how he has created you?  Why would a loving God set you up to fail?  He would not.

Core Passion-  Passion is the "desire of your heart-  Ps 20:4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.  Ps 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.  There is in us a desire, a passion, a care a concern regarding how things "ought to be". This desire is fundamental and is pervasive across our lives.  My friend Bev desires that people know the truth, or that the lies in people lives be destroyed.  My wife loves it when all things "work together" when things are effective.  I love it when a person or group moves "forward" in the direction they are pursuing or are called towards.   Julie love it when the solution makes things better. (not all do.)   

When these two come together it looks like this:

CP=  CC X  CP  or Core Purpose  is your Core Competence,  multiplied by or enhanced or focused by your Core Passion.  When you use something your are really great at and apply it towards what you really care about, your success is enhanced to the degree that you have JOY!
 May you have JOY unceasing!

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