God's Work In Progress- PARTNER WITH US!

Hello friends,

God's Work in Progress is an outreach of the Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work. It's radio program, also called God's Work in Progress is the voice of the Work-Faith movement. Our vision is to transform the marketplace. We want to be a force for excellent work to Business, Government and Education and excellence in faith for all Christians working within it. By increasing positive influence on these three societal components, we make this fallen world system more effective and more Just. Our premise is this: Saving the world, begins with credibility. Credibility as a Christian is doing a GREAT job, and having a CLEAR demonstrated faith. These are the two outcomes we seek to create in people and organizations, we call it EXCELLENCE- in faith and work.

God's Work in Progress- Purpose and Mission, what's the difference?

The difference between a purpose and mission can be summed up in a single word and this is a very powerful word.


The word "by" when  added to a purpose begins the process of describing how the purpose will be accomplished.  While satisfies some, making the statement complete, it is not in my opinion, a profitable thing to do.  As soon as you begin to describe the means to the end, you being to place limitations on it and because you give means (a "how") you also accelerate its accomplishment.

Missions can be accomplished.    A core purpose should last a 100 years or more. And there is plenty of room in Vision- to describe the end state in all its glory.

But the means, the "by",  should be left out of the Purpose, because what the future holds is in doubt and "how" we respond to it is in "flux", or should be if we really want to be effective.

Here is an example:
The purpose of West Side Community Church is to honor God by enjoying Him through reaching people with the love of Jesus Christ.

So if I'm not enjoying him by reaching people with his love.....I am NOT honoring God?

That is what is implied, because it is described-  The better path for a purpose statement is less...nor more.  To Honor God.....  

As I said there lots of room for the HOW in the values and the vision-- Keep the purpose pure.

Want an example of a Core Purpose that has ensured?  Walt Disney-  To make people happy.

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