God's Work In Progress- PARTNER WITH US!

Hello friends,

God's Work in Progress is an outreach of the Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work. It's radio program, also called God's Work in Progress is the voice of the Work-Faith movement. Our vision is to transform the marketplace. We want to be a force for excellent work to Business, Government and Education and excellence in faith for all Christians working within it. By increasing positive influence on these three societal components, we make this fallen world system more effective and more Just. Our premise is this: Saving the world, begins with credibility. Credibility as a Christian is doing a GREAT job, and having a CLEAR demonstrated faith. These are the two outcomes we seek to create in people and organizations, we call it EXCELLENCE- in faith and work.


Since Righteouse Free Enterprise is given to us by God it is a Kingdom Work. That is, along with the whole of creation, work is an integral part of the Creation. We are to "work and "keep" that which God has given us to do. This is how we "make" our living, by doing that which God has given our hands to do.

And we don't just give our hands and backs and legs to the task, we give our might.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 is translated: To the degree your hands discover, make or do, as to your ability or power.

We are commanded here to bring the fullness of our ability to the tasks that we discover needing to be done. In this way we glorify God, who gives us work and the ability to do it.

And we also have the right to participate in and receive the FRUIT (produce, profit) that our labor produces. (This is the case for private property as well, which as you can also tell is really "on loan" from God.)

God rules and reigns over our work as both the provider of it, and the one giving us the talent and skill to do it.

This is why it says, "he who will not work, shall not eat.".

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